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    Sample Manager Report

    MANAGER NAME: Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares

    BENCHMARK: Russell Midcap Growth R-SQUARED: 87.11%

    PRODUCT AUM: 403.19M AAPRYL PEER GROUP: High Quality/Stable Growth

    INCEPTION DATE: 05/31/2005 MONTH ENDING: 03/31/2019

    Clone Portfolio Factor Weights~ Passive Replication Portfolios

    Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares
    (Data as of 03/2019)

    Factor Composition of Benchmark

    Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares
    (Data as of 03/2019)
    (Static Clone)

    Style Analysis Over Time

    Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares
    05/2005 – 03/2019

    Manager Skill Comparison

    Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares
    vs High Quality/Stable Growth Peer Group                         (Rolling 36 months – annualized)
    Manager Name: Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares

    BENCHMARK: Russell Midcap Growth R-SQUARED: 87.11%

    PRODUCT AUM: 403.19M AAPRYL PEER GROUP: High Quality/Stable Growth

    INCEPTION DATE: 05/31/2005 MONTH ENDING: 03/31/2019

    Excess Return Statistics

    Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares
    05/2005 – 03/2019
    Benchmark: Russell Midcap Growth

    Manager Skill vs Peer Group

    Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares
    (Data as of 03/2019)

    Market Trend Analysis

    Bastian LP – Bastian Funds, Inc: BastianGlobal Opportunities Fund; Investor Shares
    05/2005 – 03/2019

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    • MSCI: Copyright MSCI 2019. All Rights Reserved. Without prior written permission of MSCI, this information and any other MSCI intellectual property may only be used for your internal use, may not be reproduced or redisseminated in any form and may not be used to create any financial instruments or products or any indices. This information is provided on an “as is” basis, and the user of this information assumes the entire risk of any use made of this information. Neither MSCI nor any third party involved in or related to the computing or compiling of the data makes any express or implied warranties, representations or guarantees concerning the MSCI index-related data, and in no event will MSCI or any third party have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) relating to any use of this information.
    • Russell: Frank Russell Company is the source and owner of the trademarks, service marks and copyrights related to the Russell Indexes. Russell® is a trademark of Frank Russell Company.
    • PSN: PSN Manager Data from Informa Investment Solutions, a division of Informa Business Intelligence, Inc. Informa and its affiliates are not responsible for any adverse consequences or trading, investment, or commercial decisions arising from use of or accuracy of the data.